They say don't lift heavy weights or you'll look like a man...

This is one of my favorite lines to hear! LOL

But really ladies, don't be afraid that you'll bulk up by lifting weights. And even if you did (which you won't), is it SO bad to look like you work out?

In case you didn't know... I'm here for ALLLL the muscle! hahaha

So many women are afraid of this. I promise you, the women you see online that look bulky have done so with intent, a lot of hard work and time, LOTS of food... and possibly a little help with other things. 😉

For the rest of us, you're going to look leaner with the more muscle that you have. It totally reshapes your body!

You know that "toned" look you want? That comes from lifting heavy weights and then decreasing your body fat on top. It does NOT come from light weights and high reps, or from constantly dieting.

Case in point 👉 myself. I lift weights with intent, and my body type tends to build muscle a little easier than others. I'm still waiting to look bulky... LOL

My mission is to help women realize that building muscle is a GOOD THING! Besides the esthetic purposes, we need to build lean muscle mass for a number of reasons that have nothing to do with how we look.

Check these reasons out:

  1. Increased bone density - As we age, especially after menopause, bone mass can decrease, leading to a higher risk of osteoporosis. Building muscle can counteract this by putting stress on the bones, stimulating growth and strengthening them.
  2. Increased metabolism - Muscle is metabolically active tissue, meaning that it burns more calories at rest than fat. The more muscle mass you have, the higher your metabolism.
  3. Increased functional strength - Think of daily activities like carrying groceries, climbing stairs, or lifting heavy objects. Things that you need to do daily! The last thing you want to do is injure yourself doing a common, everyday task. Building muscle helps prevent that from happening.
  4. Improved balance and coordination which decreases the risk of falls.
  5. Better blood sugar control - Muscle helps improve insulin sensitivity and helps with glucose uptake.
  6. Reduced risk of chronic diseases - Resistance training can help lower blood pressure, improve cholesterol levels, and reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.
  7. Improved mental health - Working out helps reduce anxiety, depression, stress, and generally start to feel better mentally.
  8. Increased self-esteem and confidence - Nothing beats the feeling of being empowered to lift weights.
  9. Increased muscle has been associated with a longer lifespan.
  10. Reduces your risk of injuries by increasing support for your joints and tendons.

And 3 bonus reasons 🥳:

  1. Improved sleep
  2. Improved energy
  3. Improved posture

The bottom line...


So, the question then becomes - Why wouldn't you work toward increasing your muscle as an aging woman?! It is literally the best thing you can do for your health!

That's it today, Reader! I hope I've provided a little inspiration and motivation for you to go lift some heavy things!

PS - I've been tossing the idea around of coaching a cohort of ladies who specifically want to build muscle, NOT lose weight. I'll have more details soon, but if this may be something that you may be interested in, shoot me a quick reply so I can add you to my list. I will only be taking 6-8 women for this 6-month long project.

Carmen Hayward Fitness & Nutrition Coaching

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